Please consider joining us in 2022 for our peaceful, prayer-filled walk around the Capitol with the hope, healing and harvest that is available to each American…as we pray for God’s Answer…of Hope to BE the Answer for the issues that face all Americans. As one, in Christ, we seek to pray, love, encourage in a loving non violent way – to show the need for and the reconciliation that ONLY Christ can bring to our Country.
For roughly 60 years we have been pushing God out of the American conversation. Anne Graham Lotz was once quoted as saying, “Americans in a sense have shaken their fist at God and said, ‘God, we want you out of our schools, our government, our business, we want you out of our marketplace.’ And God, who is a gentleman, has just quietly backed out of our national and political life, our public life. Removing His hand of blessing and protection…” The result of our intentional secularization is the division and pain we find today throughout the nation. We believe God is now calling us to begin to turn the conversation back to God by means of the visible manifestation of the Body of Christ unconditionally loving and praying for America.
It’s time! We are so very excited to gather together tomorrow, March 31, 2021 – no matter where you are to pray for our Nation. Please follow the live stream – on Faith & Liberty’s Facebook Page from 12pm – 1pm
as we surround the Capitol building in prayer. If your with us in DC, at your local church, in your home or at work – please join with us as we pray, together – to bring hope, healing and harvest into our country and government. If you’d like to follow along with the prayer guide – please download it from Prayers4America’s website:…/03/P4A-Prayer-Guide.pdf
If your in DC we will meet at Faith & LIberty: 109 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC 20002 at 10:30am for a time of singing, fellowship and organize as we walk to the Capitol – in a peaceful demonstration of God’s love as the Body of Christ.

This is how we will surround the Capitol as we walk in prayer.
If you can’t join us in DC – please join us in prayer at your church, your home or at work as we all pray together as the Body of Christ from 12noon – 1pm. Let’s see what the power of Prayer will do with expectant hearts, overflowing with hope, healing and harvest.